Monday, December 30, 2013

New stylus

New stylus by douglaswittnebel
New stylus, a photo by douglaswittnebel on Flickr.

At the end of this year of 2013, i have received two new stylus devices. I have tested over fifteen models and have my favorites. Maybe these two will become new favorites.

New stylus testing

New stylus by douglaswittnebel
New stylus, a photo by douglaswittnebel on Flickr.

At the end of this year of 2013, i have received two new stylus devices. I have tested over fifteen models and have my favorites. Maybe these two will become new favorites.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Monday, December 16, 2013

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Sunday at the DeYoung for viewing David Hockney and outdoor hide and seek fun...

A very cool and calm Sunday at the De Young museum, the views inside of the amazing colors and extra dimensions of David Hockney, and then the crisply edged views outside in the irregular sculpture garden and too soon to be closed cafe...perfect for running around and playing hide and seek...

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Friday, November 29, 2013

My Thanksgiving Menu

My Thanksgiving Menu by douglaswittnebel
My Thanksgiving Menu, a photo by douglaswittnebel on Flickr.

An illustrative chalk on blackboard menu art piece in a photograph by Taka Sakamoto...

Friday, November 22, 2013

Visions and introspections and palpable spaces...

Just a simple text posting, inspirational writing from a fellow artist, Christopher Benson.

"...What inspired me at the time was how antithetical to illustration Diebenkorn’s pictures were. His innovation of blending abstraction and figuration in the most mundane domestic subjects is so well known, and now so clichéd as a stylistic device, that it’s easy to overlook how dramatically that sort of approach changed the way we look at and experience paintings. 
This was a revolution that the Impressionists had started a century earlier, but Diebenkorn’s later efinement of many of their same principles — by then also affected by the pure expressive abstraction of New York school painters like deKooning — is an outstanding realization of the potential of this  kind of art. His images, taken from clearly regional Californian places, transcend the constraints of the local (and any specific emotions he might have felt about his own locale) and record a vision both introspective and universal.
His earnestly un-romanticized, yet aesthetically beautiful surfaces and compositions describe one narrow world with great specificity while maintaining a remoteness and neutrality onto which anybody anywhere might plausibly project their own experience. Perhaps that was not his intention, but it is nonetheless what he accomplished in his figurative work..."

...earlier landscape view painting layered sereis, set into moss garden mid springtime...

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Close up of the Thanks recipes and illustrations

...these views show a detail of the illustrations and a screen shot of the Ipad drawing process...
Thanks, recipes and illustrations from our client appreciation party at the Gensler San Ramon office, this version printed on two sides with ten recipes and ten hand-drawn illustrations...

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Thanks, recipes and illustrations as a take-away item...

Thanks, recipes and illustrations from our client appreciation party at the Gensler San Ramon office, this version printed on two sides with ten recipes and ten hand-drawn illustrations...

Friday, November 8, 2013

aoyama riviera club tokyo

A view from the hotel looking down on the Riviera Club building and surrounds, and a tilt-shift filter application for cool...

Via Flickr:
A view from the hotel looking down on the Riviera Club building and surrounds, and a tilt shift filter application

Monday, November 4, 2013

Baisoin temple

Baisoin temple by douglaswittnebel
Baisoin temple, a photo by douglaswittnebel on Flickr.
A lesser known project by Kengo Kuma, the Baiso-in temple, viewed from the 13 th floor of Tokyu stay hotel in Aoyama, Tokyo...

Friday, October 25, 2013

Jot Touch pen test, Create!

 Testing out the new Jot Touch stylus, a bluetooth pressure sensitive device, with adobe ideas,
 unique and different...

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Principal's meeting, 2013, Gensler in Chicago

Principals meeting for Gensler in Chicago  by douglaswittnebel

The full vertical format painted view of the meeting in Chicago...a set of illustrations combined and mashed together to document the meeting and events and issues discussed at the weekend event.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Gensler Principals meeting 2013 in Chicago

the base portion of the vertical format painted view of the meeting in Chicago...a set of illustrations combined and mashed together to document the meeting and events and issues discussed at the weekend event.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Tower Studies view of test post for gif file

Taking a look at a very very simple try with a gif file format for the tower studies...this might lead to something new and cool...

Counting rocks with my daughter in Japanese...

On a warm Sunday morning, sitting outside on the patio, counting rocks in Japanese with my daughter...great fun....
I remember back in 1991 of my life, starting up with early lessons of Japanese, and practising first attempts of hand lettering and kanji numbers...and then I went to Japan and stayed in Asia for over 13 years...

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Inspirational talk by Candy Chang, Leaders Breakfast, IIDA

An inspirational Talk on Wednesday morning, by the artist, Candy Chang.  Held at the Four Seasons hotel in San Francisco, by the IIDA...Multi-dimensional and social network crossover coolness captures the essence of our dreams, needs and realities.  She now lives in New Orleans (bonus points!) and speaks about the amazing uniqueness of the city and the people.  Her focus is always on the person, the soul, and how we all need to help each other and pull our society back up out of the mud...these are my notes...

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The lake and the stone hut

One morning down by the rocky edge of the lake waters in Tahoma, I spied a stone hut, possibly a boat storage hut perched above the water line and out of reach from the cold lake favorite part of this drawing is the deep green darkness of the silhouette of the trees...

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Lake Tahoe, Da Ow A Ga, dock and swimmers, divers and gazers...

...the completed painted view of the wood dock at the Sugar Pine Point State Park beach, Lake Tahoe...The Native American Washoe tribe inhabited the Tahoe region years and years ago and considered the area as the epicenter of their universe . The Washoe called the lake and the area "Da ow a ga", roughly translated to "edge of the lake". The first white visitors to the area heard the sounds and mispronounced this name, and called it "Tahoe". The name remained in this Anglicized form until present times.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Friday, August 30, 2013

Cabo, beach setting, Baja, Mexico, featured in Interior Design magazine

... a lengthy morning time lapse before the sun reached its full power, painted sketch view of the transect from hotel down to the ocean edge,  ipad digital tablet...
detail view of the places and settings above the white sand for relaxation and refreshment of the mind and soul...

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

and then don't forget the map...

part of the notebook version from the Northwest road trip, a handdrawn and colored map showing a portion of the ferry route from Horseshoe Bay to Nanaimo on the island...maps are such a wonderful way of remembering where you have been and where you may want to go...

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

ferry wait time to vancouver island

ferrywait by douglaswittnebel
ferrywait, a photo by douglaswittnebel on Flickr.
Waiting for the BC Ferry to travel from the mainland over to Nanaimo on the island of Vancouver, and then down to Victoria...painted with adobe ideas on ipad from the drivers seat...a wonderful chance to draw and paint and stroll down to the fruit stand for fresh blueberries and strawberries...

Detail of joinery on entry gate