Thursday, February 21, 2013

upside downton abbey

Drawing on the world of public television and English tea cups and favorite series of some of my friends, here is a sketch view of the upside down world of Downton Abbey...

Thursday, February 14, 2013


I was the sixth member of a design team for the Mannington carpet 24 design local project.  We had a great time and the results of our efforts are now on the interent...

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

SuperBowl unplugged

The weekend of the SuperBowl, and the memorable 2nd half, and the more memorable electrical outage, providing some spark and energy to the 49 er football team...Who pulled that plug?

Lampros Krafft company in Korea discussions

I am in discussions with the company in Korea to create a set of business card cases using three of my illustrations as the cover images as ...