Sunday, November 30, 2014

Back to the canvas again

Some extra off time on this Thanksgiving weekend, some time to spend on an older canvas piece, a reworking, a revisit to a former view of a landscape, the kind and the mind of an Airscape...

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The November issue of The Oaktown magazine is out on the digital newstands...Family issue!

The November issue of The Oaktown magazine is out on the digital newstands...Family issue!

The extended  families of the cool container cranes of West Oakland have finally had the chance to meet the extended and mulitple families of Turkeys in the hills of East Oakland...


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Perspective sketching for Interiors class at U.C. Berkeley Extension, and a bit on Masaccio and Brunelleschi...


A progress stage photo from the Sketching for Interiors class at U.C. Berkeley Extension,  this time a focus on the rectangular volume, sitting and standing...and thinking a bit about Masaccio and Brunelleschi...
and a short bit on the art of perspective from:
First Perspective – Fillipo Brunelleschi & Masaccio

Masaccio – The Tribute Money c.1426-27 Fresco, The Brancacci Chapel, Florence
The first known picture to make use of linear perspective was created by the Florentine architect Fillipo Brunelleshi (1377-1446). Painted in 1415, it depicted the Baptistery in Florence from the front gate of the unfinished cathedral. The linear perspective system projected the illusion of depth onto a two dimensional plane by use of ‘vanishing points’ to which all lines converged, at eye level, on the horizon. Soon after Brunelleshi’s painting, the concept caught on and many Italian artists started to use linear perspective in their paintings.
Masaccio (1401 – 1428) the first great painter of the early Renaissance period, was the first artist who demonstrated full command of the new rules of perspective; the figures in his paintings have volume and the buildings and landscapes realistically recede into the distance. Masaccio is seen now as being the initiator of the new style of Florentine Realism.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Boston banner illustration installation

...and now I have received a photo from Jeanne Nutt in our Gensler Boston office, where we can see the installation of the Boston illustration.  Super! 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

From crayons to ink on paper

There is something still so magical about crayons...

It is fun to go back and try them again and again.  Now where is that box with the built-in sharpener?

Detail of joinery on entry gate