Saturday, August 31, 2013

Friday, August 30, 2013

Cabo, beach setting, Baja, Mexico, featured in Interior Design magazine

... a lengthy morning time lapse before the sun reached its full power, painted sketch view of the transect from hotel down to the ocean edge,  ipad digital tablet...
detail view of the places and settings above the white sand for relaxation and refreshment of the mind and soul...

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

and then don't forget the map...

part of the notebook version from the Northwest road trip, a handdrawn and colored map showing a portion of the ferry route from Horseshoe Bay to Nanaimo on the island...maps are such a wonderful way of remembering where you have been and where you may want to go...

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

ferry wait time to vancouver island

ferrywait by douglaswittnebel
ferrywait, a photo by douglaswittnebel on Flickr.
Waiting for the BC Ferry to travel from the mainland over to Nanaimo on the island of Vancouver, and then down to Victoria...painted with adobe ideas on ipad from the drivers seat...a wonderful chance to draw and paint and stroll down to the fruit stand for fresh blueberries and strawberries...

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Totem in Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC

An extraordinary day in the extraordinary Stanley Park , Vancouver, BC, and a view sketch of upper portion of totem pole in the park.

Detail of joinery on entry gate