Saturday, June 24, 2017

Beijing CCTV tower once again in purple ...

dà kùchǎ (大裤衩

Every time I see this building, I have to draw it, here's a view from the restaurant level at Hotel Jen...

The CCTV main building is not a traditional tower, but a loop of six horizontal and vertical sections covering 473,000 m2(5,090,000 sq ft) of floor space, creating an irregular grid on the building's facade with an open center. The construction of the building is considered to be a structural challenge, especially because it is in a seismic zone.  The architect, Ren Koolhaas has said the building "could never have been conceived by the Chinese and could never have been built by Europeans. It is a hybrid by definition". Because of its radical shape, it's said that a taxi driver first came up with its nickname dà kùchǎ (大裤衩), roughly translated as, "big boxer shorts'.  Locals often refer to it as "big pants". A Chinese critic said that the structure was modeled after a pornographic image of a woman on her hands and knees, which Koolhaas has officially denied.....  From Wikipedia... 

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Detail of joinery on entry gate