Monday, January 13, 2014

Go Niners!

Go Niners! by douglaswittnebel
Go Niners!, a photo by douglaswittnebel on Flickr.

a quick character study for the football team and the upcoming playoff games...resemblance to Dungness crabs is intentional...

Friday, January 10, 2014

Urban field notes, painting one

Kicking off the new year of the horse, 2014, with a series of paintings that will be part of a set of urban field notes for Oakland.  The first version or view is of the beautiful and classic Oakland Tribune Tower.  Height 305 feet, 22 stories, tower built in 1923...

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Checking into very simple GIF format files...

The GIF file format has always intrigued me ever since I saw some really cool ones on a Japanese illustrator site.  Now i am somewhat addicted to the simple LOOP program app.  Cool....

Friday, January 3, 2014

Detail of joinery on entry gate