Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The end of the year approaches, and the natural way to prepare for the next year is to go through the flotsam and jetsam of the past and decide what needs to be thrown into the dark oblivion. Three old and highly treasured sketchbooks have been found in my boxes and it is time to post some interesting sketches from Japan. My first visits to Japan in 1992 and 1993 were a wonderful eye-opening time, and as I look back, I am amazed at how many wonderful spaces and objects I had captured and observed. I will plan to add a set of sketches each week for the next few months...

Monday, December 28, 2009

Collection of California Mission Sketches

Of the 21 missions built in California, sketches for the San Jose and the Sonoma missions are shown here.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

desert tower sketch

The Desert Tower was designed by Mary Colter and completed in 1933, located on the eastern side of the South Rim of the canyon. Inspired by towers of the Anasazi tribes, the stonework is a mix of rough and projected stones with a series of spiral stairs connecting the spaces held within the tower.

Detail of joinery on entry gate