Sunday, September 12, 2010

Journey to Isla Guadalupe

Have just returned from a memorable journey to the Oceano Pacifico, and Isla Guadalupe, about 185 miles south west of Ensenada, Mexico.   It was a truly fascinating trip that included diving in cages with Great White Sharks and habitat viewing of a variety of pinnipeds on this natural preserve.   I am going to begin with a posting of the maps that I have drawn of the region and the island and then follow up with some details on what can be seen and observed...


  1. Douglas, I love these drawings. I visited Guadalupe in August aboard the Solmar V. What an unbelievable experience. I am putting together a video of my journey and would very much like to include one or two of your maps if I could. I would of course give you appropriate credit. Would that be OK? Cheers, Tom Mellinger

    1. Tom, please feel free to use the maps for your video.


design study for entry gate