Sunday, October 31, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010

modeling the rear terrace garden project

some simple modeling views of the rear garden terrace project generated as studies before implementation...the fence portion is the final area to be completed...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

drawing on the world closer to home

The rear garden patio project is getting closer to completion now that the details of the fence posts have been worked out and the first test of the intersection of verticals and horizontals has been completed...

closer to home in the drawing and building world

As I inch closer to completing the rear garden patio project, the final stretch includes the design and building of the fence shown here in photos and drawings...

Monday, October 4, 2010

closer to home with drawing and building

Much closer to home than the previous posts about Isla Guadalupe and Mendocino, my current weekend project is the design and construction of a fence.  A simple enough project for your DIY designer and I have gone through a number of variations on the design of the system.  Progress is underway and the detail drawing and photographic result of the post and horizontal intersection can be seen here...

Saturday, October 2, 2010


A sketch view of the Pelagic explorer, a new submersible device in use on the diving boat SOLMAR V.  Two divers can use crawl inside this unit, one in front for operation and steering and one in the rear with the cameras...and then descend into the waters below...

Submersible unit Pelagic

Sketch view of the new submersible unit on the SOLMAR V diving boat, this unit can be used by two divers at a time.  One diver in front for steering and operating and one in the rear with the cameras...

Detail of joinery on entry gate